Bicycle Safety Education in Schools
Our goals for bicycle safety include designing and facilitating bicycle rodeos, teaching small-group classes after school, and implementing lessons in PE classes. This will involve purchasing a fleet of bicycles for the school district to use and training PE teachers to teach bicycle safety.
Bike Classes in Salem-Keizer Elementary Schools
Thanks to Salem-Keizer Safe Routes to School’s partnership with Cycle Oregon, three elementary schools had the opportunity to teach bicycle fundamentals and safety to hundreds of 3rd through 5th grade Salem-Keizer Public Schools students. Cycle Oregon provided a fleet of bikes and helmets that rotated throughout Chavez, Harritt, and Morningside Elementary Schools. In addition to bike fleets, Cycle Oregon provided PE teachers with a training to effectively implement bicycle education into their individual PE lesson plans. With the support of SK-SRTS staff and Salem Bicycle Club volunteers, each school practiced almost every day within a 3-week period. Each student was awarded with a certificate and ribbon of bicycle safety education completion and offered a discount at two local bike shops. We are honored to have collaborated with everyone involved as they helped to make this a success. Overall, we are eager to expand in the 2024-2025 school year.
Our Bicycle Safety Education Volunteer Expectations can be found HERE
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