From the Oregon Safe Routes to School website:
“On February 23rd, 2022 Oregon SRTS celebrates Winter Walk to School Day.
Put on your snow or rain boots and walk or to school while enjoying winter time in Oregon.
You can order incentives for your event here.
Check out these recommended activities to make the most of your Winter Walk + Roll to School Day:
Download [Oregon SRTS'] toolkit for promoting your event, activity ideas, and more! (Social media graphics and poster coming soon!)
Have students play bingo with our Winter Walk + Roll Bingo Card (snow edition, rain edition)
Organize a clothing/coat swap at your school.
Create and share social media posts using templates provided here.
Do a fashion show at your schools encouraging students to dress in appropriate winter gear for their way to school.
Check out the Winter Walk Activities from Ontario Active School Travel.”
For another fun activity, try out this Winter Walk N Roll Scavenger Hunt developed by Intercity Transit in Olympia, WA.